I am excited to announce the roll-out of TopicExpertHUB.com
Are you someone who feels they have value to add to the lives of others around them? We want to help you get your message, products and services in front of your target prospects. Not only can we put you in front of one, you can be presenting to groups as a speaker, presenter. How powerful is that?
Debra and I have had the privilege of working with so many wonderful people in this industry, we thought that it was time to give back! Topic Expert HUB is a connection place for your business. We find that there are those who have a difficult time with the idea of calling themselves an “expert” when in reality they are.
Isn’t it funny how we tend to disqualify ourselves so easily? The truth is, you are qualified based not only because you were handed a gift at birth, you have acquired knowledge, experience and wisdom that in they eyes of others makes you an expert. You have a voice and message that others need to hear and we want to assist you in that process. Connecting others (that’s you) to their passion is what we do.
Topic Expert HUB is focused on giving you the exposure you need. We will continually be promoting and reaching out to your potential customers and bringing them to you. You might be a coach, speaker, author, consultant who is looking to create more business opportunities for you. Once you are a member, you will have access to a Members area where we will be providing tools, tips and information you need to take your business to the next level.
Go a head, click and create a profile. You can upload photo’s, a video introduction and social links all pointing back to you.
Now if you are an event coordinator who is looking for a speaker for your next event, let me encourage you to visit the website and look through our listings. We reach out to all the U.S. and look forward to making that important connection with you.