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Amazon Best Selling Book “Your Voice, Your Message.”
5 Day Grace Empowered 5 Day Challenge.

Lesson #1 – Experiencing Kingdom Results Starts Here – GRACE INFUSION!
Lesson #2 – Discover Your Purpose & Personal Voice.
Lesson #3 – The Key To Unlocking Favor & Making a Difference.
Lesson #4 – Creating Your Kingdom Magnet.
Lesson #5 – Creating Profit and Impact With Your Life Story.

Littleton, CO
Your life is a calling to touch MANY. You were created to make a difference – I know you feel that!
Your destiny is TOO IMPORTANT for it to slip by you.
There are lives all around you who are waiting to drink from your cup. You can have an impact and make a difference. In your personal life, the relationship you touch each and every day, your ministry and business.
I realize that there have been past disappointments of all kind that want to keep you numb, indifferent or distracted. That is WHY it is important that that you recognize that these distractions may be purposely trying to derail and keep you off course.
I want to show you a vision for your life! This vision reveals who YOU are to BE and what YOU are specifically called to DO in THIS SEASON. This VISION pulls you like a magnet out of your present and into your future and the conquest of your own fears!
You were put on this Earth to be a fluid expression of God’s glory in every area of your life. This book is a life message that will heal your soul and set you on fire as you discover God’s blueprint for your life.

His relationship with and knowledge of God have always been impressive and inspiring to me.
Scott’s desire to encourage and build up others is always unwaveringly present, and given my life and church experience, particularly refreshing. He has much to offer and is always ready to give it generously.
I have read and benefited from all of his books, and this one is no exception. The truths and helps that he illustrates in this book are things that my husband and I learned through similar experiences over our 40 years of ministry.
If you read this book you will probably feel a “light bulb turn on” and I guarantee that you will be encouraged to go forward and to shine in the life God has given you, no matter where you are in your life and spiritual growth.
One of my favorite phrases from this book: “Genius poured genius into an earthen vessel.” Wow! Meditating on that alone will forever change your life.
Find out how to discard false beliefs and mindsets that keep you from experiencing God’s reality for you, your identity as God intended. Discover your purpose and blueprint.
After all, you are made in the image of God. Why not act like this is true!

As Scott unfolds he and Debra’s journey of discovering their purpose – it lays a path about how you can discover your purpose and then create a blueprint of how to live it out. Interlaced with biblical truths it speaks directly to a great principle – “There is no longer secular and spiritual kingdom living, there is only kingdom living that invades every aspect of our lives.”
If you want to find your purpose (and who doesn’t?) and then build a blueprint to live it out, this book is just what you need. I highly recommend it!